Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

Okay, I was going to send out a New Year card because the Christmas card was just not going to happen. Now I think the New Year card will not happen and so instead of delaying and sending a Valentine's Day card I'm just going to post the New Year's card for everyone to see. I know this is incredibly lazy of me and to those of you who sent us cards-they were sooo... appreciated an fun to get in the mail. Anyway here are the three prototypes--which one should I have mailed out?


Nora Mair said...

Ian in the Gilligan hat is the cutest thing. They are all cute.

Unknown said...

What a fun idea, just print one of the cards off, stick it in the scrapbook, and a few years from now you will think.....look how 'on the ball' I was that year, I sent out New Years Cards. I like to trick myself like that sometimes.

Sheree said...

Too cute! My vote is for the top one. Happy New Year!

Jessica said...

They are all so cute! I like the Silly one! Your boys are so cute!

Hillary said...

Cute ideas and cute kids! I agree, Christmas cards are SO SO fun to get, but sending them out is SO SO stressful. Happy New Year!

Katie L. said...

They are all so cute! I like the Silly one! It's just as fun looking at them over the computer so don't feel bad!

Allison said...

Wow Miss Creativity! I love all of them, but the top is my favorite. Your boys are too cute!

Allison said...

Me again, I think that I just might do New Year's cards next year, take a little pressure off, you have inspired me!

Stephanie said...

What cute cards! I liked the top one. It's ok to take the year off. I like the idea to just put it in your scrapbook and fool yourself! :)