Saturday, December 1, 2007

Trying to be a photographer

A couple of weeks ago we came home from pre-school and the weather was so perfect I thought I would try to take some pictures of the boys. We have a really big willow tree in our yard and all the leaves were bright yellow and that warm bright Indian summer sun was just casting a great glow on our front yard. I dumped Miles in the leaves and just started snapping-thanks to digital I can take as many as I want right? I was snapping fast but out of about 50 shots hardly any looked good. He was so wiggly and so fast! I turned my attention to Ian-"Look at the camera-Smile-hold still-no look this way!" You get the general idea. Ian was just as bad as Miles and as I was shooting each picture he would start to run towards the camera to see the picture on the screen on the back. All I have to say is - Marissa you are so talented, we will be calling soon to get some family shots done.


Unknown said...

Bravo, you did a great job! I think they look really cute.

Katie L. said...

They look great! I only know too well the hassle kids are when it comes to taking pictures. But when you get the ones you want, it is all worth it! They are so cute!

Anna said...

Those are great pics Robyn!!