Monday, September 29, 2008

Primary Program--Done

One more thing crossed off the list. Our primary program was yesterday. It went really well, the kids remembered their parts, I have never heard them sing so loud, and the Valiant 11 boys class decided against the dance routine they had tested out on our Saturday practice. It has been a fun, spiritual experience to get it ready--but I am glad it is over! Now we can focus on the Halloween Party, Achievement Days, Priesthood Preview, and what we will sing at the Christmas Party.


Mindy said...

Oh man, your calling makes me tired. You are a good woman to do all of the stuff. I'm just glad to be anonymous behind the piano.

I would wear yellow more if I could get into that shirt. . .

tamster17 said...

Oh, I remember those days -- it's so nice to get something that big over and done! I got released just a year ago from our Primary Presidency! I am looking forward to enjoying the program and seeing my kiddos perform from the audience this year! :-) YEAH!

Hillary said...

It is never ending isn't it! I get tired just reading your post! Cute pages too!

Michelle said...

Yea!!! Primary is just more fun after the program is over. You can sing new songs and just chill. I LOVE your layouts!! How did you extract the bug? My extractions never turn out right!

Julie said...

It is such a sigh of relief when that Program is finally over, isn't it? Ours was on Sunday. I am always thankful Angels attend to help out with the singing. So glad it is over for you too. Are you the Pres? It sound like you are. That is BIG!