Just a warning--this post has a lot of pictures.
So, the other day I was running and I saw this field of long grass that looked perfect for picture taking. Yesterday I took the boys over to get some shots. They were far from cooperative. Neither of them wanted to set foot in the field with the "pokey" grass. Miles hogged the camera while Ian wouldn't look at the camera or smile at all. I took a bunch of shots, but they all look pretty sad. Here are the best ones.
Miles the camera hog--Ian the non-participant.
Miles decided if he wasn't smiling, big crocodile tears would work the camera. Zoom in and you'll see the biggest tears ever.
Maybe I could
photoshop a happy face onto Miles in this shot then we would have a winner of a shot.
Do you remember the post about decorating the basement? It was a long time ago--but I am still trying to decorate. Here is the new arrangement above the couch. I thought the stars turned out particularly cute. Thanks Nora--I got them at Tai Pan!
Grandma Lee always said you should take pictures of your holiday decorations so you know where to put them the next year. :) So here are a few pics of our
Halloween decorations. These pumpkins I made years ago, but have never finished--if you look closely they are missing the stems on the top that were suppose to be there.
Whoops--out of order picture. More basement decor. Here are the letters I put up in the play area downstairs. They look really cute, but I stuck them on with sticky tack so I wouldn't have to put so many holes in the wall, and they keep falling down--maybe nails aren't such a bad idea.
Here are some Halloween decorations Grandma gave us--they stack like those Russian stacking dolls.
Funny faced witchy.
More decorations from Grandma. I think she wanted to make sure we remembered her at every holiday! Although there is plenty of stuff in every room in my house from her-so I am reminded of her every day.
The pumpkin bell--Miles likes to haul this around and ring it very loudly.
Ian is learning to play Star Wars on the piano. I put stickers on the notes and he sits down and practices all the time! Maybe he can show off at my recital in November. What a talented little guy!
Very cute. You are a very talented decorator. :D
I'm so jealous you get to go to Tai-Pan! I went for my first time this summer while on my visit. That store is so much fun.
I love your idea of putting stickers on the notes they play! I'm going to try that. Your house looks very cute. I love the decor at this time of year!
Cute house! Isn't Tai Pan great? Hey I want to ride Lotoja with you! That would be a great goal for me to work towards. How many years was that?
Isn't that always how it is? You think it will be so great to take a totally cute photo of your kids and they want nothing to do with it.
I really like the pictures on your wall in your basement and the stars from Tai Pan are great! I love that place too and don't go there as much as I would like to!
I love this post. It seems so unplanned, like a real conversation. Thanks for sharing the pictures of the brown grass field, would you believe I found it a welcome sight? (I've had enough of all the New England greenery and the wetness and claustrophobia that comes with it.)
I think its great you captured the boys pouting. My favorite picture of myself (unfortunately its lost) is me, 3 years old, at the wax museum, sitting on Frankenstein's lap, wailing. My mouth is open and my eyes are squeezed shut with giant tears streaking down. You can actually see the screams.
The stickers are a great idea. I was thinking recently about a girl I knew who was learning violin, and her strings had colored stickers behind them to help her remember (and read color coded music). I think your way is better.
Also, love the stars!
Your little Miles looks sooo big in all of your new pics. Your boys are adorable. I love your holiday decorating. Fall is my favorite time to decorate as well!! Also I love your digital scrapbooking pages!
We should just call you Martha Stewart...Grandma would be so proud! Your house is looking really nice. The pictures of the boys were great, those are the ones I like the best, when they are in their true character, although they aren't the best to display!
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