Maybe because it was Wesley's due date, maybe because it was just a strange date to begin with, but this day would not be normal for me. Here is the story I'm hoping to tell and leave behind so I can stop running worst case scenarios through my head.
After reading a book to Miles I stood up and realized something was wrong. They say you bleed after having a baby, but this was making me nervous. I called the doctor left a message for the nurse and laid down hoping the bleeding would stop. About 1/2 an hour later I felt I needed to figure out what was going on. After standing up I knew I needed to get some help. I called my 1st counselor in a panic and she dropped everything and ran over. After a few more phone calls to neighbors we had the kids taken care of and me in diaper made of 4-5 bath towels and some of Miles' diapers on my way to the hospital.
We met Dave at the ER got checked in and hooked up to two
IV's. Finally the ER doctor prescribed some
potocin. I knew this is what would happen and was not looking forward to the drugs, but hoped the cramping would stop the bleeding. They admitted me back to the maternity ward and started me on two more cramping medications. The doctor came in and said the blood was pooling and he would have to clean out all the clots (
ewww...) He then explained what might happen if the bleeding didn't quit...emergency surgery,
DNC, blood transfusions, etc. We were in for a long night.
The bleeding slowed and they loaded me up with
percocet, antibiotics, more cramping drugs, and IV fluids. I spent the night feeling like I was having baby #4. The bleeding slowed down and I didn't have to have a transfusion fortunately. The next day was spent trying to get severely anemic me up and out of bed without passing out. I did not pass out, but that was with the help of multiple nurses, a wheel chair, and some time spent with my head between my knees. After a day of practicing up and down I was finally able to make the short journey to the bathroom so they let me go home the next day.
I spent the next week in an anemic daze I think. My mom, my MIL Mary, my sister, my brother Mike, and of course Dave took care of the kids while I either slept or sat around on the couch. I don't think I ventured downstairs for a week.
After a bottle of iron pills and lots of shredded wheat (90% of your daily iron) my blood levels are back up and I'm feeling great. Now I'm just hoping to get Wes sleeping through the night so I can start hitting the gym in the morning.
I could not believe the out pouring of help we received--from meals, to phone calls, babysitting, etc. It was so nice to know we were so well taken care of--thanks to those of you who helped so much. And talk about an opportunity to learn to appreciate the everyday. I'm so glad things turned out the way they did and so grateful for my cute little family of boys.
Now go give blood! Some woman who just had a cute little baby might need it to save her life.