Friday, November 21, 2008

Just in case you were wondering what else you could do with your baby booger sucker---

Ever since I had Ian I have suffered from a few sinus infections every year. And now it seems to be getting worse...I have had two in the last month. Antibiotics are usually the answer, but when the second one came on just a week after I finished the first round of pills I decided to try to wait this one out. After some googling I've discovered that you can/should shoot saline water up your nose to help get rid of an infection. It sounds completely crazy and uncomfortable, but after doing this two times a day for the last week...we have drainage!!! Dave says I should just go over to the gym and jump off the diving board without plugging my nose--that is about what it feels like. Anyway it seems to help, but I'm still sick and extremely exhausted so if you have any miracle cures please send them my way.

Oh, I have decided that due to this reoccurring annoyance I should lay off of the sugar---cake is no longer one of the food groups in our house. (I did have a small sliver on Miles' Birthday)


Rosie said...

You should try a neti pot. Isaiah's mom bought him one a few years ago and it does the same thing...without the pressure of shooting water up your nose, you just tip your head and the water runs through your sinuses and out your mouth. It's disgusting but apparently works really well.

Julie said...

Sorry you suffer from that. No fun! I've heard of the neti pot too. Hope you feel great now.