Monday, May 18, 2009

The Glowing Hours

Last week I attended a Digital Scrapbook Retreat. One of my favorite classes was a photography class. The class centered around light and how using natural light will yield your best photos. The photographer had a bounce (a foil looking thing that you use to direct the light) he demonstrated how to use the bouce and how to use backlight, sidelight, etc to best light the face of your subject. One of the most interesting things I gained from the class was to remember that you can move all the way around your subject to get the light where you want it.

Now I don't have a bounce, and my photography skills are sub par at best, but I decided to try out what he taught us. A few nights ago the kids were playing outside at about five o'clock. I love evening light--all filtered and golden. Anyway here are a few shots I got.


Cristine said...

Very cute pictures of Ian and Miles!!

Camille said...

The swing one is my favorite.

Julie said...

Sounds like so much fun. I want to take photography classes but first I just want a decent camera. :) Love your pictures. I thought you were great with a camera before. Talented, talented.