Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 13--Kiddy Playland & The Final Frontier

Vacation Day 2 consisted of lunch at Carl's Junior (Ian's favorite) and the Planetarium. Going out to eat alone would have made the kids feel like they were on vacation. They love restaurant playlands. They ran and played and climbed and ate and played and climbed and ate some more. Yes I will try not to think about how unsanitary it was--we were building up their immune systems right?
After lunch we headed downtown to the Planetarium. As we walked in Miles exclaimed, "Wow! SPACE!" I love the Planetarium because the kids love it and I think it is so interesting. We found out what we would weigh on Saturn, took a walk on the moon, played with the biggest marble tower I have ever seen, watched a solar eclipse, and touched a moon rock. Museums are not conducive to good photography though-they are always so dark. But I did think the above photo made it look like I had actually journeyed out into space to get a close up of Jupiter. So to all you space junkies out there "Live long and prosper."

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