Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 20--The Promise of Peaches

When we moved into our house there were 9 fruit trees. Seven of them where planted under a big willow tree and with all the shade from the tree they couldn't grow. One was dying, one was in the only spot we could put the swing set, and the last one was a peach tree. I love peaches--we got rid of the cherry, pear, apple, two plum, apricot,apple and Asian pear, but I could not cut down a peach tree even if it was a better place for the swing set. Every year this tree produces bushels of peaches. Two years ago we canned 60 quarts of peaches, made about 20 pints of freezer jam, froze 6 bags of sliced peaches and still ate so many we were sick. So, when these beautiful blossoms opened yesterday my mouth started to water thinking about what they would bring come September.

1 comment:

Hillary said...

I wish I lived closer.....I would take some off your hand!