Friday, April 2, 2010

A Photo a Day in April

I can't figure blogger out today so scroll down to read what was suppose to be written here. Anyone out there using WordPress? Do you like it? What other blogging programs are there?
April 2nd -- Ian chowing down on some snow.

Wessy and his monkey.

Wes watching the snow fall.

I started the year trying to do project 365--you take a photo every day of the year. Well, I found myself trying to make up days I had missed, finding random stuff to take photo's of, and just not being able to stay on top of it. So, now it is April and over at DSM some of the gals are going to try to do 30 days of photos for April. I think this might be do-able for me, and after attending Joy-ography I'm a lot happier with my photos and am feeling a bit more creative as to what to photograph. I was going to try to be creative/insightful/out of the box and leave the kids out of the 30 days, but that only lasted about 2 seconds and then I saw Wes playing with his little monkey. Anyway--here is April 1st, April 2nd, and oh yes March 31st just because I snagged a cute pic of Wes in his high chair.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I love windows live writer. It's free to download, pictures upload faster, and you can make your pictures big.