Okay-so I don't sleep at night. I sleep until about 2 or 3 and at about 5-6 I feel that melatonin release from my brain and finally make my body relax and the mental chatter go away so I can get another hour of rest before the kids get up. No this is not fun-I get headaches mid afternoon and long for a nap every day. I'm trying to get rid of the nap so I can make it through the night. I've also tried a little Benedryl, Unisom, Melatonin, log hot baths, not eating after 7, earplugs, fan in the room-any other ideas? I think regular trips to the gym would help. Anyway, for those of you that sleep at night I thought I might tell you what you are missing out on-here is what I have learned from late/middle of the night TV.
*Some greasy haired guy is convinced that we are all carrying around about 25 pounds of extra weight in our bowels. Apparently the daily dose of Raisin Bran is not enough and we all need to buy this stuff to "clean us all out." Well if he could guarantee the 25 pound weight loss I might jump aboard.
*Mineral make-up is the new thing. Laura Ingalls - oh wait that was Melissa Gilbert uses it and she has great skin. It doesn't clog your pores and it's suppose to make you glow.
*The Bullet is not only a blender, but a food processor as well. You can make nachos, alfredo sauce, quesadillas, muffins, and smoothies all in this little tiny bullet shaped blender. The nachos always look really good at 3 AM.
*There are all kinds of ways out there to lose weight and get fit. There are hip hop dance videos, this new ballet workout that even comes with a dance bar, but the best is this one where you supposedly don't have to do anything but breathe a certain way and contract your muscles-I can't remember the name of it, but it looked a lot easier the the last weight lifting class I went to.
*Late night PBS is the best. Last night I hit the jackpot. There was a documentary on about the Hairstyling Olympics, a documentary about ferret lovers (very "Best in Show" without the sarcasm), and a documentary on the Santa Clara Synchronized Swimmers.

Here's a link if you want to learn more www.ket.org/pressroom/2007/25/WTPE.html I guess this documentary line up was not just for the middle of the night.
So if you can't sleep go straight for PBS. Between the clogged pores, weight to loose, bowels that are blocked and blenders that are too slow the infomercials will only contribute to night time mental chatter.
I wish I had some jewel to share with you. Sorry you can't sleep. But your rambling did give me a good laugh! Good luck sleeping!
You are too much! Although, I'm all about the mineral makeup. Except I go for the $5 drug store stuff.
I've got the opposite extreme. Narcolepsy. I can sleep all the time! Especially during those afternoon meetings. I once took a nap during a one on one conversation.
Too bad we can't split the difference. Hope you get some Zzzz's soon.
I do like the mineral make-up, I've been using if for over a year.
As for the extra weight in the bowels, I will have to disagree. I did the lemon diet detox for 5 days, didn't eat anything and I only lost a pound.
I am so sorry that you can't sleep! I loved the stories of the infomercials! The more you watch of them the more they will make you fall asleep!
Robyn you are funny! I'm sad about your no-sleeping too. Feel better that I will soon be there with you. (I guess I kind of already am). I will start calling you at 3 AM and we can chat. Minutes have to be cheap at that time in the morning!
What a pain in the rear!! I feel so bad for you. I am a complete insomniac for the last 4 months of pregnancy and it is the most frustrating thing in the world. I have a really embarrassing solution that would sometimes work for me... reading scriptures. I feel so bad saying that, but a couple chapters of Isaiah and sometimes I'm just zonked! Good luck with this no-sleep business, and thanks for the good laughs for the rest of us.
SOOO sorry you can't sleep! It's my favorite thing in the world to do!
Don't know her, but I have to agree with Allison- reading the scriptures can help you sleep. My doctor actually recommended it when I had a hard time going back to sleep after nursing in the middle of the night!!!
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