So do kids come with their own taste in music or is it something they learn from parents, friends, etc. When Miles was a tiny babe we sang many songs to him, but the one that brought on the most smiles was "Hello-Goodbye" by the Beatles. (It was being used in a Target ad and we would sing it to him) Then one day we went to Applebees to eat and as we were waiting for our food Miles starts pointing and smiling-he was pointing at a Beatles picture! So, we did an experiment and popped in some Beatles music at home. Miles loved it-he danced and was Mr. Happy whenever the Beatles were on. During Beatles week on American Idol he smiled and danced around in front of the TV (he normally doesn't even pay attention).
Ian's favorites are not the typical Barney, Nursery Rhyme renditions that 4 year olds might like. He has been greatly influenced by his daddy and can be heard belting out "America" by Neil Diamond or "Cheeseburger in Paradise" by Jimmy Buffet. He cranks up the tunes in his bedroom and colors at his table while singing along.
Now the funny thing is what happen this morning. We were listening to the radio and a song came on-both Ian and Miles started dancing and be-bopping around the kitchen. Ian said, "Mommy I love this song we need this CD!" It was Bob Marley! So, my kids favorite music consists of classic Beatles, summer lovin' Jimmy Buffet, raspy voiced Neil Diamond, and now pot smokin' Bob Marley! What will they want to listen to when they are teenagers?
That is too funny -- Bob Marley!!! It's so funny to see those kinds of preferences in kids that are so young. I think they do come with their own tastes in things, just like their own personalities.
My kids absolutely LOVE music -- Dallin could do w/o his sister's Hannah Montana songs playing all the time though. They totally belt out the primary songs when they are asked to sing louder -- you can hear their voices above the other kids -- it's too funny & embarrassing at the same time.
Mindy and the girls have been on a real Neal Diamond kick lately too. Sing and Dance alongs in the kitchen.
Robyn, of course I remember you! Julie had sent me your link to your blog several months ago and I peeked in back then (may have even left a comment? I don't remember) but I haven't come back because I never know how much people want their blogs to be private, etc., but I'm so glad you came over to mine and left a note! It's so great to hear from you! What other Ricks folks have you kept in touch with? It's so fun hearing from Julie often. I keep in close touch with Amy (remember Amy?) and occasionally April & Mary also, as well as Jenny & Camille. Remember them? But as far as I know none of them have blogs. You have an Ian too! And he's a monkey too -- just like my Ian. It was so fun to hear from you and I've put your link on my blog along with my other "crazy friends." :) Have a great day!
Robyn you know I LOVE Neil. The girls are in love with him too. They ask if we can listen to "Forever in Blue Jeans" all the time. I sing Neil to Claire when she is fussy and she settles right down. We will have to try your "Beatles" experiment on her when she is older. You inspired me- look forward to a Neil post on our blog!
When 2, my son's favorite song was by Lenny Kravitz, "I want to get away, I want to fly away, yeah, yeah, yeah." He'd break into song at the best moments, like Sunday dinners with the in-laws.
Fast forward 10 years. This son now dabbles in piano. We were visiting my husband's grandparents, who outright banned Beatles music in their home back in the day. They firmly believe hymns are the ONLY music worth listening to, and even have a room-size pipe organ in their house to give credence to the idea. So I had to chuckle when the sounds of "Yellow Submarine" came wafting in from the other room while the adults chatted. The Beatle haters didn't even notice.
P.S. I hope it's OK that I've clicked on your blog now and then. I absolutely loved your former header picture of (I'm guessing) Ian throwing a rock into the lake. Amazing how the clouds made the rock pop out in view. I think you should submit that shot to Parade magazine's contest! Your digital scrapbooking layouts are great. Maybe we could both go to Nora's sometime and you could teach me?
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