About a week ago Ian came running into the house yelling, "Mommy there are no birds in those eggs. I hatched them and there are no birds in those eggs." I about cried-we have already rendered many birds and bird babies homeless due to the tree incident.

Now I know Ian thought he was just going to crack those eggs like he would when we make a cake and he would find baby birds inside, but I launched into a big lecture about preserving life and a bunch of mumbo jumbo a 4 year old would not understand or appreciate. Later that day Ian came and told me he had been trying to think of ways to help the birds and the only thing he could think of was to say a prayer so that the birds would not miss their babies too much and not be sad for very long. How true sometimes all we can do is say a prayer.

Well, a few days later Ian came running into the house again with good news-there were two more eggs in the nest! Who knew-I didn't-that birds can just keep on laying eggs! Our little nest robber has kept out the nest and hopefully we'll have some cute little baby birds in the next few weeks. Until then here is a cute shot of my favorite baby.

What a sweet, sad story. How fun to have a nest so close. Such fun things to learn about. Cute boys!
That really is a sweet story. Maybe this time around things will go better. If those eggs do hatch, I want to see pictures. We love your cute boys!
(BTW- we are going to Cali. over Christmas with Shawn's family. Disneyland and the whole enchilada. Should be fun)
Sorry to add another comment. I need your email address. I am making my blog "invite" only but I can't send you an invite because I don't have an email. Thanks- carlson.julie@gmail.com is where you can reach me. :) thanks
I know the pain of taking away birds homes. We downed a few trees to make way for the house and several Robin's nests were in them. I took 1/2 a dozen babies to the nature center. Glad you got new eggs. The birds probably weren't done laying and hadn't started incubating by the time Ian cracked them. They laid new eggs pretty fast.
Also, in this picture, I see you in Miles. I usually see Dave, but this time I see you.
That was heart wrenching! But so exciting that there are more (one?) eggs and it sounds like Ian learned his lesson. By the way, I put the thirteenth tale on hold so hopefully I will make that night!
I love the picture of Miles! He is so cute.
Wow, I really hope that the birds make it this time! That last picture is so darling!
Nothing like baby birds to let us know spring is here. Good luck this time around! I learned something new.
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