Last week we went to visit my parents. I love visiting my parents. The boys get to experience the country life for a little bit, and I get to slow down my pace and remember what it was like to grow up outside of the suburbs. I do love where we live, but I think I will always be drawn to small towns, corn, fields, and the mountains. Maybe someday there will be an Enterprise that rents tractors and we can move to a little farming community. I guess visiting will have to do for now.
We had so much fun on our visit. We went on a walk through the fields, the boys played in the garden with big toy dump trucks, they went for rides in the wheelbarrow, and Ian helped mow the lawn. I went on a bike ride with my dad. He is training for the Lotoja this fall. He was kind enough to slow down for me, and my mom let me ride her fancy bike (it weighs about nothing, but the seat felt like I was sitting on a brick!) My dad also got tickets to the musical "Beauty and Beast" at the Ellen Eccles Theater for all the girls. It was a fun night out with my mom, sister, and niece, but best of all Grandpa babysat the boys all by himself so I could go!
Here are a few photos of our weekend.

Mowing the grass with Grandpa. My dad finally got a riding lawn mower a few years ago. When I was a kid my siblings and I would have to help mow the lawn each weekend. I mowed the field you can see behind my dad with a push mower every two weeks when I was in high school. Mom and Dad would pay my band fees (yes, I was a band geek) for mowing the field.
Walking along the ditch. Sometimes we see pheasant or grouse nesting in the ditch, but not on this walk.
Happy in the backpack with Grandpa. Cheese plant in the background.
Grandma and Grandpa
The Old Barn
There really is something to be said about small town life! I have great memories of small town Amalga! Your boys look like they are in heaven.
What priceless pictures you snapped! I too am drawn to small towns, having grown up in a teeny town on a farm. I love taking my girls back to visit, they always have a great time playing in the dirt and seeing the animals. Your pics made me miss Cache Valley!
I love the country. I know I could live in the middle of 5 acres right now- if that was conducive to our living conditions. I love my neighbors but they are too close. :) I love the magic of green fields in the spring time. I love your pictures. You know how to capture the moment.
Yay for Gma & Gpa's house. I am so glad my kids have someplace to go to get dirty. Your pics totally reminded me of growing up. Thanks for hanging out with me over the weekend, it was fun!
What fun pictures! How fun to visit your parents and let the boys experience that. It is always so nice to go home! There is just something about going back to the house you grew up in!
I love your new title picture! So pretty!
I'm a fan of country livin' as well. I always wanted to live in a small town with lots and lots of land, but now I realize I couldn't live more than 5 minutes from Walmart:) I love all your pictures and your tree story was very entertaining. I'm glad your back to blogging again!
What great pictures! I loved coming up to your house to visit...years ago! Your mom and dad look great! I love taking my boys up to my parents house and letting them run in the trees and not have to worry about cars hitting them...I just have to worry about rattlesnakes! Which is worse??? Ha!
Oh, Mat got that hat at Kmart...yeah Kmart! I love it!
I love the memories I have of Amalga. I use to come up and spend a week and I remember I was so scared of your dad:) I also remeber riding our bikes to the cheese factory. Good times!
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