So, the other day I thought it would be fun for the boys to finger paint. Ian loves to paint and I was excited for Miles to give it a try-what little boy does not love being given the go ahead to make a big mess! Well, apparently Miles does. I put the paint on the paper and he just looked at me like I was crazy. I stuck his hand in the paint and he looked at me like I was even more nuts. Soon he was holding up his messy hands and crying. He wanted nothing to do with this messy activity! Later on that day I gave him some chocolate chips. As I was making dinner I heard him crying. I found him down on the landing holding out his chocolate covered hands and crying. Now for a minute I thought he was just mad that the chocolate was no longer easy to eat, but then I noticed he would not move and inch. He was afraid of his messy hands! Poor kid no mud pies, finger painting, food fights, messy craft projects, etc...it appears he has inherited the Lee clean gene! (Hopefully as he gets older Ian can show him how to play in the dirt).
How funny -- one of my kids was like that. He would go through several paper towels or napkins at every meal because he couldn't stand being dirty.
I'm sorry but I think that is hilarious! He is just like you! Sometimes I really wonder about our genes. They can be dangerous. I bet he outgrows that before too long- he is a boy after all.
That's too funny! Some kids just do not like to get there hands dirty! On our Pismo Beach trip our niece Kaity (who is 2 years old) would not walk on the sand. She wanted nothing to do with the sand at all while all the other little kids her age could not get enough. These little ones really are all just so different!
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