We went at stayed at my parents house last week. As always we had such a fun time. Here are a few pics to document our trip.
Grandma and Miles blowing bubbles. (Isn't that Miles the cutest little guy ever!)

And so talented-he was able to get a great stream of bubble going.

We did laundry one day and I just enjoyed the sight of the kids clothes drying on the line. I would love it when my mom line dried our sheets and they would smell like grass and sun.

Here is my parents garden that I always brag about. As always it is going crazy and I came home depressed that the desert sun seems to have stunted and fried everything in my little plot. Mom did send me home with 2 ice cream buckets full of strawberries! Can't wait to make more jam.

It's hay season! As we pulled up to Grandma's house I told Ian he might get to watch the tractors bale the hay. It rained that night and I just figured the hay wouldn't be dry before we left. Just as we were loading the car to come home a tractor pulled into the field and Ian ran out to watch. As the baler would go by he would dance to the rhythm it was making and wave his little hands as hard as he could for the farmer to see.
Hooray for Grandma's house! I'm glad Ian got to see the hay get baled. He was making me laugh-every time a truck would go by he was hoping it would be the baler.
What fun! I love your parents house! What I wouldn't give to be able to have a garden like that!
Looks like you guys had a great time! You weren't kidding about your mom's garden -- it's awesome! You are so lucky to come home with a bunch of strawberries too! YUMMO!
I love staying at my parents' house too. And of course the kids love being with Grandma & Grandpa too.
Your moms garden is amazing. How did your jam turn out? Perfect, I assume. I love your pictures of Cache Valley the way I remember it. Fabulous! I love your new family picture!
Yeah for Grandma's houses! We love ours too. Seeing your kids at your parents brings back memories of when we were little. Wish I had a gargen like that.
Don't you love Grandma and Grandpa's house! I remember spending time up there! Those were the days!!
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